Update Concerning Director Vacancy from Dave Dillon

Hello from the offices of the Appalachian Ministry Network (AMN). I trust all is well for you and your colleagues in our network’s Royal Rangers ministry.

I’m sending this to clarify one part of Teddy Mullins’ communication about his relocation to MN and the subsequent vacancy in the office of Royal Rangers Director. Teddy is not yet aware (since it happened just last Thursday and with the ensuing weekend) that the presbytery took up this matter at its semi-annual fall meeting and appointed Rev. Jeff Nichols as the new director. Jeff has accepted the appointment and will begin his duties immediately. I’ll be sending a letter of this notice to our churches as soon as I am able to return to my office either later this week or the first of next.

Blessings to and upon all of you who serve in this important part of the Appalachian Ministry Network and work to further the network’s mission of Empowering Leaders, Equipping Ministry and Encouraging Community. GREATER!

David W. Dillon
Superintendent, AG-AMN

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