Staff Devotion (April 2017)

April Staff Devotion

Dave Holbert Kanawha Chapter FCF President

Springtime……….it’s a time for new life and growth after a season of rest.

We watch with interest as the new buds peak through the decaying leaves left from last fall.  The mud left from the melting of winters snow begins to get a green hue.  The grass is stretching towards the sun and breaking through the ground.

We watch as the newly born fawns begin taking their first steps.  We watch the closely moving line of young turkeys following after their mom.  The peep ……peep….peep coming from the newly created nests of the Robins.

Now that I have your attention commanders……I want you to look at your young men.  It is time to challenge them to new growth, a new understanding of who Christ is in them.  A new hunger needs to be built for a closer relationship with God.  Boys need newly gained knowledge from earning their merits and advancement.

In the New Century Version of the Bible in Matthew 9:37-38 it says this:

37 Jesus said to his followers, “There are many people to harvest but only a few workers to help harvest them. 38 Pray to the Lord, who owns the harvest, that he will send more workers to gather his harvest.”

The increase will come from God and God alone…………………but we have a part and are needed for  preparing for the harvest.  Jesus himself recognized that the laborers were and would be few.  Jesus said pray for the harvest, pray for the laborers, pray for the results.  It is easy to leave a meeting on Wednesday night being glad it is over.  It is easy to find an excuse not to spend more than a Wednesday night with your boys.

Commanders…..when was the last time you spoke to a member of the community, church members or a dad about working with Royal Rangers?  How long has it been since you were involved in taking or giving training to help yourself, another commander or boy grow?

As a farmer knows, it takes someone to till, someone to plant, and someone to water before there is a harvest.  It is not easy or glorious work but without it there cannot be a harvest.  It can be full of heartbreak and discouragement.  But when you sit down to a full table from the fruits of your labor the satisfaction is overwhelming.

When I was young there was a story we read which was kind of funny but echoed this verse of scripture.  A little red hen was looking for help and the answer was also “Not I” until it came time to eat and then everyone wanted in.  The challenge to us as commanders is not to be that guy……that guy that always says “Not I” but to the be guy that says “God what’s next!”

New growth is coming…….have you prepared yourself and those around you?  Are you “READY” to labor in the harvest?   Will you pray for the harvest and laborers? ………………..Or will you sneak along the filed hoping to partake of the harvest meal after all the work is done?

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