2017 Territorial FCF Rendezvous Date Updated
The date for the 2017 FCF Territorial Trace has been updated. The event is scheduled for October 6-9, 2017. There will not be a Fall Trace this year as we are planning to attend the Territorial Rendezvous in Pennsylvania. Anyone interested in attending should contact Dave Holbert for more information.
2017 Kanawha Spring Trace
The 2017 FCF Spring Trace packet is now available to view or download. There is also updated information available on the events page.
Patches For Sale
Dave Holbert has some 2016 Spring and Fall patches that are available for $3.00 each (send him a check and number of each event and shipping address). They will be available until all are sold. You can reach Dave by e-mail if you have any questions. (You may also reach him at 304-679-5514, though e-mail is preferred.)
Please send checks to:
Dave Holbert
838 Garrison Lane
Waverly, WV 26184