The official newsletter of the National Royal Rangers Ministries. January 2017
2017 LEAD by Karl Fleig Springfield, Missouri, had for decades been the annual destination of organizational leaders in Royal Rangers. In 2011 this annual meeting moved to Dallas, and now after 6 years we are excited to be coming “back home” to Springfield.
Winter Program Ideas by John HicksThe warm summer days are now gone and winter is upon us. But the fun and adventure of Royal Rangers doesn’t need to come to an end just because of cold weather. Your weekly meetings and regular activities can continue to be a source of fun, friendship, and excitement for guys—regardless of the season or the weather. With over 200 merits available, the Royal Rangers advancement system provides a variety of activities for your group to choose from, many of which can be great for indoor cold-weather days.
The Master’s Toolbox project “Europe’s Refugees” remains an urgent project at hand. The scale of the refugee crisis in Europe defies imagination. Over one million refugees landed on Europe’s shores in 2015 alone. By some estimates, this is the worst refugee crisis since World War II. According to Dr. George Wood, this may become the largest relief response in our history as a Fellowship. Families arriving are broken, wounded, and needy. This represents a God-given opportunity to reach out and touch the Muslim refugees with God’s love and His good news.
Please appeal to your outposts to make a final push to help our missionaries minister to the multiple thousands of refugees in need.
Camporama was wonderful time of fun. God worked in our midst each night during the services. Now you can “re-live the adventure” with this Camporama highlights video on our YouTube channel. An additional video celebrating our 50th anniversary of Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) can be found there as well.
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